Real Freedom
Life can be as challenging or as effortless as we choose to perceive it. The belief that “misfortunes” simply happen to us is often a mindset shaped by external narratives.
We must understand that life doesn’t merely happen to us; it unfolds because of us. At our core, we are nothing but atoms—fundamental particles vibrating with energy. This energy, or frequency, can be influenced and harnessed to our advantage.
If everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies, then the inputs we allow into our lives profoundly affect our reality. The food we consume, the music we listen to, the conversations we engage in—not only with others but also with ourselves—shape our vibrational state and, consequently, our immediate experience of life.
Reality, then, is not solely what others define for us but what we actively create.
Philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre said, “Man is nothing else but what he makes of himself.” Once we grasp this concept, our lives can have a profound transformation.
By consciously choosing the energies and influences that align with our true selves, we begin to shape our reality intentionally.
Practice this concept and you will understand real freedom.